Andreas Reh, born in 1965, living in Germany, Giessen (near Frankfurt). Amateur Photographic Artist for conceptual art, portrait and nude. Working in Digital and also in the old techniques of...
1984 x Reportage x Portrait x #fcknzs x Leipzig
Astrid Susanna Schulz was born 1972 in Wildeshausen/Germany. As an autodidact she started photography with focus on portrait and nude art in 2013. Actually she lives and works in Bremen/Germany.
She was born in Bassano del Grappa, Italy, 1970. After finishing her studies in Venice, she teamed her work as an architect with her passion for Photography, making it her main expression medium....
Photography student at The Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź, obsessed with old paintings, antique books and the literature of the end of 19th century.
Europe / Poland / Łódź/Wrocław
Born in 1974 in Saarlouis (Germany), photographing since 1997. I'm in love with analog photography, and especially in collodion wetplates. Feel free to contact me.
Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome. Mein Name ist Frida Nacktigall und ich hege eine große Passion für die Ästhetik der 1920er und 1930er Jahre, in welcher ich ebenfalls lebe und mich kleide. Meine...
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